Ukraine's Foreign Minister declares U.S. aid bill a 'bad day for Putin'

Dmytro Kuleba

"A bad day for Putin," Kuleba stated. "A bad day for anyone who dared to believe that America could waver when it comes to defending what and who it stands for. We are grateful to the U.S. House of Representatives, its Speaker, and members of both parties, for passing the long-awaited Ukraine aid bill."

Kuleba also emphasized the broader implications of the vote. "Those who made this decision a reality made the right choice. The United States has reaffirmed its global leadership," he said.

Read also: U.S. House of Representatives passes $60 billion Ukraine aid bill

"We look forward to the bill being swiftly passed by the United States Senate, signed by the President, and felt by our warriors on the front lines," Kuleba added.

On April 20, the U.S. House voted to allocate $60 billion to Ukraine through Bill 8035, orchestrated by the team of House Speaker Mike Johnson. The bill saw strong support, with 311 congressmen voting in favor, 112 against, and one abstaining.

For the aid to be disbursed, the legislation must now pass the Senate and receive the President's signature.President Biden has urged the Senate to expedite the process, emphasizing the urgency to "quickly send weapons and equipment to Ukraine to meet their urgent battlefield needs."

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Section: Nation

Author: Богуслав Романенко