I removed my nail polish using toothpaste and baking soda as TikTok suggested, the outcome was unexpected

I was never a fan of nail polish remover owing to its smell, and when looking for alternatives, I saw people on TikTok use baking soda and toothpaste as a replacement.

So far, every hack from TikTok I’ve tried impressed me. The 5-5-5 method is the easiest way to hard-boil eggs and the bottle hack for the creamiest iced coffee without using a milk frother is going to stick with me forever. So, I decided to remove my nail polish using baking soda and toothpaste.


How to use baking soda and toothpaste to remove nail polish

This is perhaps one of the easiest hacks to remove nail polish if you don’t own or like the traditional remover full of chemicals.

All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a small amount of toothpaste of your choice.

Mix them thoroughly and use a cotton ball to dip the mixture in before rubbing it on your nails. You can also use a piece of cloth as an alternative for cotton.

Make sure you don’t add any water into the mixture and it’s used directly on the nails.


The result was truly impressive

Yes, it took me longer than expected to achieve the result I was looking for, but the TikTok hack sure didn’t leave me disappointed.

The first minutes of rubbing became tedious as the nail polish stayed intact and all I could feel was the sting of cold around my fingertips from the toothpaste’s minty flavor.

However, when I applied slightly more pressure, the color of my nails started to lighten. After another minute of rubbing the mixture, my nails appeared in their natural form.

My nails did not turn brittle from the method, although, I would recommend washing your hands thoroughly after as the remaining mixture on your nails can harden if not cleaned immediately.

The next time you’re running late and cannot find a nail polish remover, you know just the hack to turn to.