Hit New Amazon Prime Series Is Surprisingly Good... And Libs Are Complaining It Isn't Gay Enough

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It should be a truism by now that, no matter how many times and in how many ways studios have bent over backward to accommodate every raging liberal's demand for "representation," it will never be enough.

Is it enough to transform the protagonist of a classic European fairytale into the minority of the moment? No, not if she was the only minority. Is it enough to retcon a formerly tomboyish character into a "queer" or "nonbinary" one? No, why wouldn't you also make her trans? No matter how far you bend, there will always be further to go.

And now, despite Amazon Prime's adaptation of the popular video game "Fallout" having gained rave reviews from both audiences and critics since its release on April 10 -- with a 94 percent critics score and 89 percent audience score on Rotten Tomatoes \-- it, too, has fallen prey to the same sorts of diversity critiques.


Detailing, in the words of Rotten Tomatoes, a "story of haves and have-nots in a world in which there’s almost nothing left to have" in a post-apocalyptic landscape, the wildly popular and successful show has faced criticism for falling short in its "representation."

Specifically, as lamented by the bluntly named web site Pride.com, Season One of the show has lacked what was, apparently, necessary instances of "queer romance."

Despite praising the show at the beginning of its interview with an executive producer and the showrunners, Jonathan Nolan, Geneva Robertson-Dworet and Graham Wagner, much of Pride's interview focused on the supposed lack of "queer" representation.

Now, as Geeks & Gamers pointed out in its article on this bizarre interview, asking about "queerness" in "Fallout" was not completely out of left field.

Players in the early "Fallout" games could make their characters gay, and later games featured gay and bisexual characters.

However, most people who played the games would have argued that having gay representation was not really of the utmost importance.

For most people, having a good game to play with a good story was much more important.

It's no surprise the show engendered criticism from the fickle and insatiable alphabet mafia \-- after all, it was created and written by two of the dreaded "straight white males" (and one woman).

And, indeed, showrunner Wagner expressed some of those same concerns, telling Pride that "I struggled with it a bit as a straight white dude... we’re in this great moment where there is finally money to tell queer stories. It’s not my money. Those are stories for queer storytellers to tell."

Robertson-Dworet was sure to mention that, though the leads were not "queer," there were "queer" supporting characters, before lamenting that, "There’s so many things...we just didn’t have time to do justice to in the first eight hours of our show, unfortunately."

Both of which were incredibly fair responses.

For one, as Wagner expressed, seeing as he himself is not among the LGBT crowd, he would receive just as much, if not more, criticism for writing a "queer" main character, especially if that character failed to live up to the LGBT lobby's ever-shifting standards.

For another, why should the LGBT lobby have its fingers in absolutely everything?

The show has been a tremendous hit, with fans on both sides of the political aisle singing its praises.

Must the alphabet mafia now ruin "Fallout" with its diversity quotas and stale LGBT acceptance messages?

If the responses to a post on the social media platform X that said the following -- "Fallout show [was] BLASTED for not being gay enough! LBGT critics DEMAND leading actress explore women!" -- were anything to go on, most fans have grown tired of LGBT characters and plotlines getting shoved into stories.

Why can't we have a beautiful woman be the hero without being gay?

— NERO (@ok_nero) April 15, 2024

"Why can't we have a beautiful woman be the hero without being gay?" one user asked.

Most of the garbage content in gaming and entertainment is all because of the gay activists. Prove me wrong

— GIZMO (@GREMLIN_204) April 15, 2024

"Most of the garbage content in gaming and entertainment is all because of the gay activists. Prove me wrong," another user wrote.

There would be no gay or trans people after a civilization ending event. These sorts of absurdities are only possible when man is not in survival mode.

— Jody Williams (@jodycwilliams) April 15, 2024

Another user, to the consternation of the woke denizens of X, stated that "There would be no gay or trans people after a civilization ending event. These sorts of absurdities are only possible when man is not in survival mode."

Nothing is ever good enough for the woke

— Olya (@OlyaKarLott) April 15, 2024

Yet another made the most excellent point of all: "Nothing is ever good enough for the woke."

And that, indeed, was the major takeaway of this whole tempest in a teapot.

It was not as if "Fallout" was a piece of "regressive" ’50s gender politics that abhorred the mere mention of homosexuality.

While not the focus of the games, LGBT characters and themes have been more than welcome in the world of "Fallout."

Since one piece of media has broken from the norm, "Fallout" in this case, enjoying wild success in the process, then, it seems the LGBT activists simply could not help themselves.

They had to try and ruin it by bogging it down with endless politics.

And then these activists will wonder why no one wants to watch the show after it has been turned into another dull piece of gay propaganda.