Donald Trump's PAC Doesn't Have Much More Cash Left In Its Tank To Cover His Legal Bills

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The Save America PAC, closely associated with former President Donald Trump, is facing financial strain after disbursing nearly $3.7 million in legal fees just in March.

This expenditure is part of a larger trend — the PAC has spent over $59.5 million on legal consultations since the beginning of 2023.

The substantial outflow of funds towards legal defenses, highlighted by over $1.1 million directed to law firms involved in Trump's New York hush money trial, underscores the financial toll of ongoing legal challenges on Trump's political machine.

Referring to its latest filings with the Federal Election Commission, Politico reported on the expenditures and new legal debts incurred.

Despite the heavy legal spending, which rivals the monthly expenses of Trump's campaign committee, Save America maintained a positive balance in March, thanks to a $5 million refund from Make America Great Again Inc., a super PAC supporting Trump.

Also Read: Trump In Hot Seat In Hush-Money Case, Prosecutors Seek Deep Dive Into Ex-President's Alleged Misconduct And Manipulation

This financial interplay between the PACs has been a lifeline for Save America, facilitating its role in covering legal expenses linked to Trump and his allies.

However, the sustainability of this funding model is in question as MAGA Inc. is capped at transferring only $2.75 million more to Save America.

This limitation, coupled with the Save America PAC's dwindling cash reserve of just over $4 million, poses challenges to its ability to continue as the main conduit for Trump's legal funding.

Amidst these financial constraints, the Republican National Committee (RNC) reported its most successful fundraising month in March, bringing in $20 million.

Despite this, the RNC's expenditures left it with a cash reserve significantly less than that of the Democratic National Committee.

Additionally, MAGA Inc. saw a robust influx of funds, with significant donations from high-profile GOP supporters. However, most of these funds are earmarked and cannot be directed to Save America.

Now Read: Donald Trump's Debt Spiral: Ex-President Now Owes $1 Million More In Interest Related To NY Fraud Case

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