Jewish Journalism Student ‘Jabbed’ In Eye With Palestinian Flag Pole While Reporting On Protest

Jewish student reportedly jabbed in eye with flag pole [Screenshot/Twitter/@sahar_tartak]

Jewish Yale University student Sahar Tartak was reportedly “jabbed” in the eye with a Palestinian flag pole Saturday night while reporting on a pro-Palestine protest at the school’s campus.

Tartak, who is the editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press, posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) claiming that she had been hit in the eye with the end of a Palestinian flag while being surrounded by activists. Tartak told the New York Post that she and a friend were singled out while reporting on the anti-Israel protest allegedly due to their Hasidic Jewish attire, causing a crowd to form around them while filming.

“Tonight at Yale, I was assaulted by a student today at an anti-Israel protest. He stabbed me in the eye with a Palestinian flag. Now I’m in the hospital. This is what happens when visibly Jewish students try to attend and document these rallies,” Tartak first posted.

A second post from Tartak then shows a video of the moment a protester with a Palestinian flag could be seen circling the student, with Tartak yelling in response. The student claimed that she attempted to run after her alleged attacker, however, protesters formed a “human blockade” to stop her.

“Ow, ow you’re stab[bing] -” Tartak could be heard yelling before the clip cuts out.

Following the incident, Tartak recorded a conversation with one of the protest organizers, in which she claims was stalling her from finding her alleged assaulter.

“I want you to think about — what do you really want to get out of this,” the organizer asked Tartak.

Tartak told the organizer that she wanted the person who assaulted her to be removed from the protest, to which the activist nodded in agreement claiming that everyone wanted the rally to “be peaceful.”

“I just need to ask you a few more questions,” the organizer stated.

“No, we’re stalling,” Tartak responded.

“No, we’re not stalling,” the organizer pushed back.

Additional clips from the night, posted by Tartak, show pro-Palestine protesters marching in a circle joined at the hands surrounding the Jewish student as they backed her against a wall. While one activist could be heard telling the others to come closer to the wall, Tartak questioned their motives behind the move.

“Can you come against the wall?” one protester could be heard saying.

“Can they come against the wall? There’s a person against the wall. So they can come against the wall so they can knock into me? Nice idea,” Tartak stated.

“Close in,” another protester continued.

Other moments captured from the chaotic night include students cheering as they brought down an American flag on campus while yelling, “Viva viva Palestina,” with another showing pro-Palestine protesters playing a rap song saying, “Free Palestine bitch, Israel gon’ die bitch.”

Yale officials are reportedly investigating the incident, with University President Peter Salovey calling out the “reports of egregious behavior” Sunday, according to the NY Post.

“I am aware of reports of egregious behavior, such as intimidation and harassment, pushing those in crowds, removal of the plaza flag, and other harmful acts,” Salovey stated.

Th Daily Caller received a response Sunday night from someone claiming to represent one of the groups at the protest, Yale Jews for Ceasefire, who gave a statement to the alleged attack, calling that the incident “unacceptable.” They noted that it would be addressed by adding more de-escalation “marshals” for future events in order to ensure the safety for everyone.

“Last night, a counter-protester said she was poked in the eye with a flag. Such an action, whether or not it was intentional, is unacceptable. We are fundamentally committed to maintaining a non-violent and welcoming protest environment in which all community members can make their voices heard. In pursuing this standard, just as we are committed to ensuring the safety of our participants from the risk of videotaping and doxxing, we are also committed to making sure that engagements between counter-protesters and protesters do not escalate,” the email stated.

“Our marshals, students wearing orange safety vests who are specifically trained to de-escalate situations and protect people, are committed to everyone’s safety. In the future we will have more marshals on site, and we will communicate more clearly to untrained protesters not to engage with counter-protestors in any way.”

The Daily Caller has reached out to Yale Police for a comment regarding the issue but has not heard back.