Covid-19 booster jabs offered for vulnerable over 75s in Kent

Kent residents vulnerable to Covid-19 can book a booster vaccination if they are aged 75 or over.

The offer is also open to anyone who is 74 but due to turn 75 by June 30.

A Covid-19 jab is prepared. Picture: PA

A statement released by Kent County Council (KCC) says: “Anyone who is eligible can use the NHS website booking system or app to make an appointment at a pharmacy, GP practice or drop-in vaccination centre near you.

“You don’t need to wait to be invited by the NHS to come forward.”

Residents can also book by calling 119 free of charge, where a translator is available if needed.

People living in care homes for older people are being offered the seasonal vaccination.

KCC’s Deputy Director of Public Health, Dr Ellen Schwartz, said: “We are learning to live with Covid-19 but the virus hasn’t gone away.

A Covid-19 jab is prepared. Picture: PA

“It means it’s still important for our most elderly residents and people with a weakened immune system to top up their protection – because they are most at risk from getting seriously unwell and requiring hospital treatment.

“If you’re eligible, please book for the spring booster as soon as you are invited to do so by the NHS; and if you don’t want to wait, use the NHS website, app or 119 today to make an appointment.”