US aid to Ukraine ensures European peaceful order - Baerbock

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Getty Images)

Annaelena Baerbock, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has hailed the US House of Representatives' vote to allocate billions for new military assistance to Ukraine as a pivotal breakthrough, according to Bild.

"It's not only a good and important moment for Ukraine but also a crucial moment for ensuring European peace and order," she said.

The politician added that finally, a situation has been reached where "the hearts of two of Ukraine's staunchest supporters, Europeans and Americans, are once again beating in unison."

Baerbock noted the significance of this, pointing out that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is currently employing all available means to dismantle Ukraine and assault the European peace order.

Amid the massive attacks by Russian drones, rockets, and bombs on Ukraine, Baerbock reiterated support for Germany's initiative to supply additional air defense systems.

"We urgently call on everyone to reconsider their stocks and explore how we can expand air defense support," she said.

The minister underscored that Russia is deliberately targeting Ukraine's civilian infrastructure, crucial for its survival.

"These are the places that require special protection," Baerbock said.

US aid to Ukraine

The US House of Representatives has approved a bill to provide Ukraine with assistance totaling $60.84 billion. Specifically, $23.2 billion will remain in the US and be used to replenish American reserves, $13.8 billion will go towards purchasing advanced armaments, defense products, and defense services for Ukraine.

Additionally, $11.3 billion will be allocated for ongoing US military operations in Europe.

The bill is currently under consideration in the US Senate, where it requires the approval of two-thirds of the votes. It is expected that after approval by the Senate, the bill will be signed by US President Joe Biden.

According to reports from Western media outlets, the first batch of aid to Ukraine will be dispatched within several days of the bill being signed into law.