32-year-old Liverpool player has been playing through injury during the last two matches - journalist

One Liverpool star has been playing through injury during the last couple of matches for the club.

The last week or so has definitely been an improvement from Liverpool. After the results to Atalanta and Crystal Palace, Liverpool needed to bounce back, and that’s what Jurgen Klopp’s side did.

They may not have gotten the comeback at Atalanta that they needed, but they did get a victory. And then more importantly, they also got all three points at Craven Cottage to keep themselves in the Premier League title race.

All hope is not lost yet, and there are still plenty of things to be excited about for Liverpool before the end of the season.

Right now, they just need to concentrate on themselves and hope for the best. Everything is still possible.

Photo by Justin Setterfield/Getty Images

Virgil van Dijk playing through injury

One player who everyone will look towards right now is Virgil van Dijk. Not only is he the club captain, but he has also been through so many of these situations.

Van Dijk has experience playing multiple Champions League finals. He has competed for the Premier League title several times as well and he knows what to do in title races like this.

He’s someone who also leads by example, and has shown that recently as well by playing through his pain barrier according to Daily Mail journalist, Lewis Steele.

Steele has reported that Van Dijk has been playing through an injury in Liverpool’s last two matches after he dislocated his finger against Atalanta last week.

Can Liverpool still win the Premier League title?

Liverpool just have to focus on themselves at the moment. But you cannot write them off. Arsenal still have Chelsea, Tottenham and Manchester United to play.

That’s a really tough schedule. But Manchester City’s isn’t a walk in the park either. They’ve also still got to play Tottenham and also play Brighton, who have caused Pep Guardiola’s side problems recently.

Liverpool do have some tough away fixtures and Tottenham still to play, but it may still be in their own hands. All they got to do is keep winning.