Volunteer experts on standby to fix anything from stereos to suitcases to shoes at first Stortford Repair Café

Do you have something that’s broken that you don’t know how to fix but can’t bring yourself to throw away? Something like a toaster, kettle, lamp, bag, pair of jeans or computer?

Book it into the first Stortford Repair Café on Saturday April 27, from 2pm to 5pm, at the Emmaus Centre next to St James the Great Church at Thorley and get it seen to by an experienced volunteer repairer for free.

They will pinpoint the problem and try to fix it there and then for you, or let you know what spare parts to get for when you come back next time.

Repair cafés are a great way to save money and to reduce waste and emissions by extending the life of items. The average repair café saves 450kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) – about the same as driving from Lands End to John o’ Groats and back again. Most importantly, repair cafés bring people together.

Stortford Repair Café founder Lyn Farrell said: “We have all sorts of people offering to help to repair things. We’ve got around 40 items booked in already – everything from stereos to suitcases – and we still have space for more, especially bikes and clothes/textiles.

“So if you’ve got trousers that need hemming, a soft toy in need of some TLC or a bike that needs a repair for spring, why not bring it along?”

To book your items for repair, go to Stortford Repair Café on Facebook or contact Lyn at stortfordrepaircafe@gmail.com or 07379 555684.