Germany disrupts delivery of 400 MRAP armored vehicles to Ukraine - Bild

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The German government has promised to provide up to 400 units of MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) heavy-wheeled armored vehicles with enhanced mine protection to the Ukrainian military, Bild reports.

The contract for the supply of armored vehicles was signed by the Ukrainian authorities and the German defense company Flensburger Fahrzeugbau GmbH (FFG) with funding from the German budget totaling 315 million euros.

The German Ministry of Defense says that all the armored vehicles are to be delivered this year.

At the same time, the agency obtained a document from the German Ministry of Defense dated September last year, which states that MRAPs for the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be delivered in batches of 20 from January to October 2024. However, deliveries have not yet begun.

According to the German agency, the plan for 2024 was reduced first to 200 and then to 100 armored vehicles, and the start of deliveries was postponed from January to May-June.

The reason is that FFG receives spare parts for MRAPs from the United States and only assembles them in Germany. The company faced export license restrictions from the United States to Germany and problems with mine protection certification.

Germany's assistance to Ukraine

Since the first days of the Russian invasion, Germany has proved to be one of Ukraine's most reliable allies, providing it with comprehensive military, political, and financial support.

Berlin has sent Kyiv an impressive arsenal of weapons, including various types of artillery pieces, Leopard tanks of both old and new modifications, IRIS-T and Patriot air defense systems, ammunition, vehicles, drones, and much more.

Germany has recently added a new military aid package to this list, once again demonstrating its firm stance in supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

There are rumors that the actual amount of military aid from Germany may be lower than officially declared.