I included sourdough bread in my diet for a week, and it made two key improvements to my gut health

Bread is a breakfast staple in most households, including mine. After discovering multiple health benefits of sourdough bread I decided to include it in my diet for a week and the changes I noticed in myself were truly impressive.

What you eat is what we are. Neuroscientists and researchers have presented enough data to show the link between our diet and brain health. Similarly, making a tiny tweak in the type of bread you use regularly can benefit your overall health.

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I included sourdough bread in my diet for a week

I was on TikTok when I stumbled upon a video of a nutritionist speaking at length about the benefits of sourdough bread, for the gut especially.

After digging deeper into the scientific facts about the “healthy” bread, I tweaked my diet for a week.

I made it a point to eat sourdough bread with two of my meals. I would switch between toast and sandwiches just to not get bored of its taste.

I grew accustomed to sourdough bread’s consistency and the natural taste within the third day. I took a break from sugar, soda, and regular snacking to see how my body would react to a healthier diet with bread considered more nutritional than its counterparts.

By the end of the week, I had stopped craving junk food and the sandwiches were filling enough twice daily. I ate fruits such as mango and banana as usual but did not crave additional sugar even when I was bored or sad.

I noticed two changes in my gut health

I noticed two significant improvements in my gut health – I did not experience any bloating throughout the week while eating sourdough bread and my digestion was never better.

Internationally recognized GP from the UK, DR. Hana Patel, told The Focus that sourdough bread has properties that enable digestion.

She said: “Sourdough bread may be often better tolerated with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The reason for this may be the fermenting process that makes it rise helps break down some gluten and FODMAPS (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols).”

A study published in the National Library of Medicine states: “Reducing FODMAPs through sourdough fermentation can help alleviate gastrointestinal distress in sensitive individuals.”

The conclusion further notes: “Flatulence, abdominal pain, cramps, and stomach rumbling were all reduced after consuming low-FODMAPs rye sourdough bread.”

I also noticed my meals including sourdough bread kept me full longer and I didn’t crave as many snacks as I would while following a diet that included a different bread or none at all.

We thank NHS GP and GP Medico-Legal Expert Witness Dr. Hana Patel for her valuable input, without which the article would be incomplete.