Israel criticizes final report on allegations against UNRWA

Israel has criticized a report into the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) - the main humanitarian provider in Gaza.

Experts charged with investigating the UN's neutrality in the light of allegations that UN employees were involved in the October 7 attacks on Israel recommended toughening up safeguards in "eight critical areas."

At the same time, their report also said that Israel had so far not provided evidence that certain employees were members of terrorist organizations.

The report "ignored the severity of the problem," Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Oren Marmorstein wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"The problem with UNRWA-Gaza isn't that of a few bad apples; it is a rotten and poisonous tree whose roots are Hamas," he wrote.

"Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that it is no longer possible to determine where UNRWA ends and where Hamas begins," Marmorstein wrote.

"This is not what a genuine and thorough review looks like. This is what an effort to avoid the problem and not address it head on looks like."

UNRWA was part of the problem and not part of the solution, he added.

"There are other solutions. UNRWA can not be part of the solution in Gaza not now, and not in the future."