Watch: Biden Has 'Very Fine People on Both Sides' Moment That's Worse Than Anything Trump Said About Charlottesville

Andrew Caballero-Reynolds - AFP / Getty Images

Americans must denounce the establishment media as Jesus denounced the worst of the Pharisees -- and for the same reason.

In short, a modern brood of vipers with press credentials basks in self-righteous hypocrisy while serving the wicked.

Speaking to reporters on Monday, President Joe Biden condemned what he imagined to be both sides in the anti-Semitic protests that have unfolded at Columbia University in New York, thereby exhibiting the precise tone-deafness and moral bankruptcy of which establishment reporters falsely accused former President Donald Trump when they created the "fine people" hoax by distorting his comments following the 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, protests.

In a brief back-and-forth with reporters on Monday during an event in Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, Virginia, Biden somehow managed to showcase the worst elements of his character and presidency, including a sanctimonious moral relativism rendered comical by extreme cognitive decline.

"Do you condemn the anti-Semitic protests on college campuses?" a female reporter yelled.

"I condemn the anti-Semitic protests. That's why I've set up a program to deal with that," the president replied.

A program? Seriously? Would anyone but a career-long establishment politician respond to a moral question by citing a "program" he allegedly created?

Then came the "both sides" remark.

"I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians. And their, how they're being -- " Biden said, his words growing fainter to the ear and less intelligible just as the same reporter interrupted him with a follow-up question that probably saved him from another gaffe.

"Should the Columbia University president resign?" the reporter asked.

Biden apparently misheard and therefore bungled even that simple question.

"I didn't know that. I'll have to find out more about that," he replied.