Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Democrats Want Donald Trump 'Dead’

Marjorie Taylor Greene recently claimed that the Democrats want Donald Trump “dead."MEGA

MAGA House Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently claimed that the Democrats want Donald Trump “dead” and that the embattled ex-president might be “murdered” if sentenced to prison, can report.

In a startling development to come after Trump became the first former U.S. president to appear in court on criminal charges this month, Greene raised concerns about Trump’s safety amid his various legal woes.

Greene raised concerns about Trump’s safety amid his various legal woes.MEGA

According to Greene, President Joe Biden and the Democrats “literally want [Trump] dead” and they apparently “are not going to back off of what they are doing.”

“He’s putting all he has into trying to win the election,” she told Infowars host Alex Jones on Monday. “But you also got to remember, at the same time he’s trying to run for president again, he’s having to put everything he has into defending himself against these rigged trials and this unbelievable perversion of our justice system.”

“And the Democrats aren’t sorry about it,” the Georgia lawmaker continued. “They aren’t going to back off of what they are doing. They literally want him dead.”

The MAGA congresswoman then cited a recent bill introduced by Democratic House Rep. Bennie Thompson that, if passed, would strip former presidents like Trump of their Secret Service protections if convicted of a felony.

According to Greene, President Joe Biden and the Democrats “literally want [Trump] dead” and they apparently “are not going to back off of what they are doing.”MEGA

According to Greene, that was further proof that the Democrats “want President Trump dead.”

“Bennie Thompson introduced a bill to take away his Secret Service protection,” she charged during Monday’s episode of Infowars. “That’s how serious they are.”

“They want President Trump dead,” Greene continued. “They want to lock him up in jail for the rest of his life, so that he dies in jail, and they want to take away his Secret Service protection so that he is murdered somewhere in jail, possibly.”

“This is how serious they are,” she concluded.

As for Alex Jones, he stoked fears further by claiming that the Democrats would “literally come after the Trump supporters” if Trump does not win the White House.MEGA

As for Alex Jones, he stoked fears further by claiming that the Democrats would “literally come after the Trump supporters” if Trump does not win the White House in November.

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“We could lose this thing, ladies and gentlemen,” Jones said of the upcoming general election. “And God forbid Trump doesn’t win. Can you imagine what they’re going to do?”

“They’ve said it,” the disgraced Infowars host continued. “They’re literally going to come after the Trump supporters and the people that are seen as the opposition to the globalist plan.”

Trump became the first former U.S. president in history to appear in court on criminal charges earlier this month.MEGA

“So, this is so serious for our republic,” Jones concluded.

As previously reported, the startling remarks shared by Greene and Jones on Infowars on Monday came just days after Trump became the first former U.S. president in history to appear in court on criminal charges connected to his suspected falsification of business records.

The already embattled ex-president also faces three additional criminal cases – including his alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and Washington, D.C. as well as his suspected possession of classified documents.

Trump’s current criminal trial is expected to last through next month.