Watch: AOC Sends Signal to College Protesters, Within Hours Mob Forces Columbia to Take Drastic Action

Stephanie Keith / Getty Images

What part of “Never again” do they not understand?

For decades, the two words have been used as a declaration that nothing like the Holocaust of the 1930s and ’40s would ever again be visited upon the world’s Jews.

Never. Again.

That’s why Israel was reconvened.

"Never again” was once a common phrase on the campuses of leftist universities with large numbers of Jewish students and faculty.

Not anymore.

America’s elite universities are being torn apart by pro-Palestinian activists -- foreign and domestic -- launching vicious demonstrations against Israel’s defense of itself following the Hamas terrorist attacks on Oct. 7.

And, no surprise here, the vitriol is not limited to Israel -- it is targeting Jews. Some receive abuse just walking down the street.

One woman, a Columbia graduate student wearing an Israeli flag, said she was hit with anti-Semitic hostility upon exiting a New York City subway, according to National Review.

“I can tell you in the past 30 seconds that I got off the train I was called a ‘Zionist b****,'" she said. “I’ve been called a ‘genocidal b****.'

“I’ve been called 30 other forms of ‘genocidal b****’ within the last 30 seconds just walking over to the street. And that’s very typical of an experience for a Jewish student on this campus today.”

The woman told of a fellow student spit upon “just because she looks Jewish.”

We’ve seen this before. Not just in Germany, but for centuries, almost as long as there have been Hebrews on God’s Earth.

Now New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has chimed in on the campus rallies against Israel. So has a fellow Democrat, Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman.

Since Ocasio-Cortez always seems to be on the wrong side of history, she, of course, favors the pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Fetterman, who continues to surprise despite his party affiliation, is opposed.

AOC celebrated the anti-Israel protests while speaking Monday at an Earth Day event in Virginia with President Joe Biden.

“It is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days, as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campuses like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley and many others," she said.

The leftist congresswoman has at least one fan in a powerful place.

"Representative Ocasio-Cortez of New York -- you know, I learned a long time ago: Listen to that lady. Listen to that lady," Biden said.