Green New Deal 2: Biden Brags on $7B Ploy, Will Pollute Environment, Save $350M Annually

Andrew Harnik / Getty Images

The average citizen could only idly wish for the kind of delusion that has enabled President Joe Biden and his administration to try and spin gold out of the rotting straw of inflation, without any hint of awareness that it was their fault.

As but one example, look to his brag on the social media platform X on Tuesday, wherein he said:

"Today, my Administration is investing $7 billion in a new program called Solar for All that will enable over 900,000 low-income households to have solar on their rooftops for the first time."

Today, my Administration is investing $7 billion in a new program called Solar for All that will enable over 900,000 low-income households to have solar on their rooftops for the first time.

Solar for All will give folks more breathing room – and cleaner breathing room at that.

— President Biden (@POTUS) April 23, 2024

Because, people struggling to pay their mortgage under the crushing weight of inflation and high interest rates were just dying to get solar panels on their roofs.

Never mind that, as journalist Michael Shellenberger explained in a piece in Forbes explained all the way back in 2021, solar panels have been found to be highly toxic, and are often destined to clog landfills worse than used clothes.

Shellenberger cited a piece from the Harvard Business Review \-- titled "The Dark Side of Solar Power" -- that studied the environmental impact of widespread use of solar panels, including early replacements by individual property owners as well as the technology's adoption by commercial enterprises.

"The problem is the sheer quantity of the hazardous waste, which far exceeds the waste produced by iPhones, laptops, and other electronics," Shellenberger wrote. "The volume of waste expected from the solar industry, found a team of Indian researchers in 2020, was far higher than from other electronics."

While Shellenberger acknowledged that solar panels aren't the only high-tech product that will result in environmental problems down the line, he stressed that they are a particularly dangerous factor.

"But the toxic nature of solar panels makes their environmental impacts worse than just the quantity of waste. Solar panels are delicate and break easily. When they do, they instantly become hazardous, and classified as such, due to their heavy metal contents. Hence, they are classified as hazardous waste. The [Harvard Business Review] authors note that 'this classification carries with it a string of expensive restrictions — hazardous waste can only be transported at designated times and via select routes, etc.'”

In other words, it's a recipe for destroying the environment.

But, Biden and his posse of tone-deaf idiots see it differently, just as we saw with the massive boondoggle-waiting-to-happen that was the Green New Deal. It was an environmentalist's dream come true and a nightmare for every other American - a massive spending spree that would do nothing but waste money and hurt middle and lower income Americans. And here we have it happening all over again, only on a much smaller level with this disastrous plan.

"Solar for All will give folks more breathing room – and cleaner breathing room at that," Biden's social media post claimed. Sound familiar?

According to The Associated Press, Biden's vast expenditure for this purpose was supposed to save households a good $350 million each year, while reducing emissions by the rough estimate of 30 million metric tons of carbon dioxide.

So, Biden seemed to think that it's a win -- for 900,000 American househ0lds to save a combined $350 million by the federal government spending $7 billion?

As AP informed readers, part of the reason for this initiative was to sway young voters back over to Biden's side, many of whom have gone sour on the octogenarian thanks to his fence-sitting approach to the Israel-Hamas war.

But, though that might sway some of the young voters, Biden brag about spending gobs more money the country doesn't have ignores a more significant issue, one of far more importance to far more potential voters.

As one user on X commented on the initial post, "If you are low income you do not own a home. Especially in the most expensive housing market ever where 80% of income earners don't qualify for the average home prices. To say this administration is out of touch doesn't express how absurd this is."

If you are low income you do not own a home
Especially in the most expensive housing market ever where 80% of income earners don't qualify for the average home prices

To say this administration is out of touch doesn't express how absurd this is.

— Matt (@mattykinsX) April 23, 2024


"Low income" for a family has been defined, on anational level, as making $30,000 or less per year.

In 2023, the average cost for a new home was $417,700, which most families making $30,000 would not be able to afford at all.

CNBC published a piece in February discussing this very reality.

The network reported that housing inflation in the most desirable markets -- Tampa, Florida, Phoenix, Arizona, and Atlanta, Georgia -- rose by 44 percent, 43 percent, and 35 percent, respectively, between January 2020 and 2023.

And the national average rose a good 24 percent in the same time period.

This reality, moreover, was caused by a problem created by the very thing Biden has promoted.

That is, extreme government spending.

Low and middle income families have been struggling because Biden and his administration have been spending absurd amounts of money the government didn't have, which entailed printing more money, which then meant that the value of individual's money kept decreasing as prices kept rising.

Simply put, the United States cannot afford to keep wasting money on these asinine environmental projects.

They have not helped the people Biden was purporting to help with these programs.

Instead, they have hurt low-income families more than ever.

Of course, Biden never cared about low-income families, or ordinary American families in general.

And, despite his statements to the contrary, it seems that he has done everything in his power to let people know that.