Sean Dyche must drop £40k-a-week Everton player tonight, he struggled last time vs Liverpool - opinion

Tonight marks yet another Merseyside derby, as Everton welcome Liverpool in a monumental game for both ends of the table.

For the hosts, having come off the back of Sunday’s win against Nottingham Forest, they are now in a far stronger position regarding their safety aspirations.

Five points ahead of Luton Town and the bottom three, and with them, Brentford and Sheffield United all to play. It remains firmly in their hands.

For the Reds, however, the title is decidedly not.

Photo by Tony McArdle/Everton FC via Getty Images

They must hope that Manchester City and Arsenal both slip up, and even then remain flawless themselves.

Well, Sean Dyche will be wanting to ensure that such a possibility is made redundant tonight.

Sean Dyche has some huge decisions to make vs Liverpool

However, he will have to go into the fixture with a few key absentees, with Beto and Seamus Coleman two big names to already have been ruled out.

It poses an interesting conundrum regarding who might occupy the striker role, with Dominic Calvert-Lewin facing late tests too.

But that position’s importance pails in comparison to the absences at right back, with their club captain joining Nathan Patterson on the sidelines.

It therefore leaves two options to plug that gap: Ashley Young or Ben Godfrey.

Given how the last derby went with the former at full-back, Dyche should have his mind made up for him.

Everton cannot start with Ashley Young at right-back

Having started at right-back at Anfield, the 38-year-old was consistently terrorised before his 37th-minute dismissal.

And whilst it could be argued that he was somewhat harshly treated, to have received two yellows for the only two fouls he committed, they proved pivotal in unravelling Dyche’s solid system.

He was rash and woefully outmatched against the unrelenting speed and pressure of Luis Diaz, who seemed to skip by him at every opportunity.

That would explain how he won just one of the four ground duels he competed in before his eventual red card.

Photo by Daniel Chesterton/Offside/Offside via Getty Images

Whilst Godfrey is no shining light at full-back, he does boast far more youthful athleticism, which should at least help him get back to cover should he fall victim to the same fate as Young did many months ago.

The £40k-a-week veteran impressed against Forest, even if he was lucky not to give a single penalty away. He remained solid throughout and conversely won five of the seven duels he competed in.

However, to go from Callum Hudson-Odoi to Diaz is an almighty step up, and a risk Dyche cannot take.