'The Last Dream': Pedro Almodóvar's 'fragmentary autobiography'

In "The Last Dream", the world-famous filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar also proves himself to be a talented writer. Isabel Infantes/EUROPA PRESS/dpa

Every reality needs fiction. Pedro Almodóvar learnt this much from his mother, who once worked as a letter reader in her village, imaginatively embellishing the local correspondence.

In the title story to a new book of stories he has described as a "fragmentary autobiography", Almodóvar narrates his final farewell to his mother.

"The Last Dream" is one of 12 stories in which the world-famous filmmaker behind "All About My Mother" and "Talk to Her" proves himself to be also a talented literary writer.

Written in widely varying genres, the stories come from very different periods of the 74-year-old Spanish filmmaker's life and have been compiled after being archived by his assistant.

Some, such as the story about the death of his mother, are strongly autobiographical. In the book's introduction, Almodóvar addresses this subject and notes that he has long refused requests to write his autobiography.

"I have always felt somewhat resistant to the idea of a book entirely about me as an individual. I’ve never kept a diary, and whenever I’ve tried, I’ve never made it to page two," Almodóvar says.

"In a sense, then, this book represents something of a paradox. It might be best described as a fragmentary autobiography, incomplete and a little cryptic."

Others stories like "The Mirror Ceremony" incorporate elements of horror and fairytales.

And, of course, the themes typical of his films - sexual rebelliousness and satirical criticism of Catholicism - also run through the stories, and are skilfully woven together in the introductory story "The Visit".

All in all, this book is a true Almodóvar, and perhaps the closest thing we'll ever get to an autobiography.

The original Spanish version Almodóvar's "El último sueño" is now available to purchase, and the English translation, "The Last Dream", is set for publication on September 5, 2024.