Sheerness men charged after high street Co-op thefts

Two men have been charged with a number of thefts after more than £300 of alcohol, meat and other food items were stolen from a town centre supermarket.

Between Sunday, March 31, and Monday, April 22, staff members at Co-op in Sheerness High Street reported 30 incidents.

Sheerness Co-op. Picture: Google Maps

Items targeted include crates or bottles of alcohol, meat and other food items valued at £332.

An investigation into the incidents included the examination of CCTV footage.

Yesterday, (Tuesday, April 23) constables completing enquiries at an address near the High Street detained a suspect.

Shortly afterwards, a further arrest was made in Rose Street.

Tony Pilcher, 39, of Delamark Road, Sheerness was later charged by officers from the Swale victim-based crime team with 26 counts of theft.

Daniel Pilcher, 37, of the same address, was charged with eight shoplifting offences.

Both men were remanded in custody to appear before Medway Magistrates’ Court today.