‘F*ck You!’: Dem Mayor Eric Adams Confronted By Fellow Passenger During Flight

Eric Adams Confronted on Flight by fellow passenger [Screenshot/Twitter/@CollinRugg]

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams was confronted Monday by a fellow passenger on a flight returning to the city from Miami, video shows.

In a video posted to Twitter, Adams can be seen sitting in a middle-row seat looking at his phone when a passenger approaches him.

“Are you Eric Adams?” the passenger asks, to which Adams nods in response. “Yeah, fuck you! You support the genocide in Palestine. There are homeless people all over New York, [but] you’re always partying. You don’t actually care about the citizens of New York.”

A man sitting next to Adams in the aisle seat appears to attempt to block the passenger yelling at the Democratic mayor. Despite this, the passenger continues to yell at Adams, saying all he cares about is “funding the police,” before passengers behind her tell her she is holding up the line.

“Why are you even in Miami?” the passenger says in the video. “You know there are people being arrested there, people are homeless in New York, people can not afford food, you keep cutting the education budget so you can fund the police. That’s all you care about — funding the police! Everything is underfunded because of you.”

Since last week, tensions in the city have continued to rise with pro-Palestine protesters as activists gathered at Columbia University on April 17. Protests continued over the weekend, inspiring other activists to gather on school campuses across the U.S., such as Yale and UC Berkley. New York Police Department officials and NYU protesters clashed Monday evening, with hundreds of arrests made.