German Vice Chancellor Habeck joins TikTok to reach young people

German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has joined the social media platform TikTok, telling journalists that he's hoping to connect with younger generations of Germans.

"And I would like to make young people in particular an offer to talk to me where they are," Habeck said, adding that at the moment, they seemed to be "mainly on TikTok."

Habeck's channel on the short video platform launched on Wednesday under the account name Habeck & Team BMWK, a reference to the Economy Ministry, which he leads.

The new online presence, like the existing ones, provides information on the ministry's topics, explains the government's actions and gives insights into Habeck's work as minister and vice chancellor.

Habeck said he plans to make his first appearance on TikTok Live on Thursday, with opportunities for users to ask him questions.