A28 Ashford Road shut in Godmersham for second time following water pipe repairs

A major route shut for days to allow for emergency works has reopened – then closed days after for more repairs.

The A28 Ashford Road was closed for South East Water repairs from April 16 until April 19 for a burst pipe to be fixed.

The A28 Ashford Road is shut again following a South East Water pipe repair near Godmersham

But the route near Godmersham was shut again yesterday (April 23) for more repairs after the first fix created a large lump in a 50mph zone

One driver, who uses the route almost daily, says they thought going over the lump damaged their car.

"It was a relief to see the road open again on my way to work on Monday but it was like driving over a speed bump at 50mph,” they said.

"I can't believe the road has been closed again.”

The road is expected to reopen later today

After seeing how the repair was made, they said they were unsure who thought it was an acceptable way to leave the busy route.

"Now it's closed again to fix the original fix, it's ridiculous,” they added.

"The number of road works and closures everywhere is bad enough but to then have to shut the same place that was only repaired a few days before is laughable really.

"When the car in front of me went over it and I saw it bouncing over the new tarmac, I had to slow down as I thought I was going to damage my car."

The route was closed for a few days last week

South East Water distribution manager, Adam Newbury apologised for the inconvenience following the second closure of the A28.

“A temporary road closure has been put in place for the safety of motorists and our workforce,” he said.

“We hope to have the work completed and the road re-opened later today.”