Zaporizhzhya elects new mayor to deal with city problems, stalled for 4 months

Rehina Kharchenko becomes acting mayor of Zaporizhzhya

The last session of the city council was held in December 2023, Fedorov said. For four months, more than 200 issues related to the city's affairs went unresolved, leaving utilities in limbo due to a lack of funding.

“But the most shocking thing is that during two years of full-scale invasion, the city and oblast were moving in different directions, which is unacceptable in wartime,” he added.

Zaporizhzhya Mayor Volodymyr Buriak resigned on Sep. 29, 2021. Since then, Anatolii Kurtiev, Secretary of Zaporizhzhya City Council, has been acting mayor.

Read also: Putin’s party collaborator blown up in Zaporizhzhya Oblast, Ukraine

National Agency for Corruption Prevention reported that Kurtiev had signs of illicit enrichment worth $225 thousand on Aug. 18, 2023. In August 2022, during a search of an apartment that Kurtiev rented with his assistant, detectives from National Anti-Corruption Bureau seized almost 600.000 hryvnias ($15,000), $230,000, and €650 ($695).

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree appointing Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov as head of Zaporizhzhya Oblast State Administration (OVA) on Feb. 4.

Read also: Zaporizhzhya rocked by multiple ballistic missile strikes: Three civilians killed, 13 wounded

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine transferred powers of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council to Regional Military Administration for period of martial law on March 21. Fedorov wrote that for more than two years of full-scale war, Zaporizhzhya Regional Council “has not adopted a single resolution.”

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислав Литнарович