Kebab diplomacy: Beloved meat centre stage in Germany-Turkey talks

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan proved to be a host with a sense of humour during a lunchtime visit by German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Wednesday.

After three days of coverage of Steinmeier's trip centred on the fact that he had brought with him a large vertical rotisserie with 60 kilogrammes of kebab meat - and the operator of a Berlin kebab shop, too - what did Erdoğan serve at his lunch on Wednesday with the German president?

Exactly: kebabs.

The meat rotated on its skewer on a terrace of the presidential palace in Ankara while the delegations ate inside.

Steinmeier's bold decision to come to Turkey with Berlin chef Arif Keles and a giant cone of kebab - one of Germany's most popular fast food dishes and usually served with sauces and vegetables between toasted sesame bread - generated almost more attention in the German and Turkish media than the content of the first visit by a German president to Turkey in 10 years.

There was talk of "Steinmeier's kebab diplomacy" - mostly with a negative undertone.

At their joint press conference on Wednesday, Steinmeier was asked whether the hubbub over kebabs perhaps showed how superficial relations between Germany and Turkey had become.

"I don't think it's a sign of how superficial relations have become, but rather a sign of the superficiality of the debate about this visit," Steinmeier replied.

In any case, he said, he was grateful to have been accompanied by a diverse delegation: "Arif Keles' kebab is part of this diversity that has helped shape the new Germany."

Keles had already prepared his kebab on Monday evening at a reception in the German ambassador's summer residence.

Incidentally, the meal on Wednesday also catered to non-kebab fans: there were also fried courgette flowers with goat's cheese, veal fillet with mushroom sauce and a Turkish dessert platter.