'No wonder they're broke': Lara Trump taunted for claim RNC has litigation in '81 states'

Lara Trump on stage as Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump speaks during an election night watch party at the State Fairgrounds on February 24, 2024 in Columbia, S.C. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

The fact that the U.S. consists of 50 states didn't stop co-chair Lara Trump from telling Newsmax that the Republican National Committee has "litigation in 81 states."

Lara Trump made this declaration in a Newsmax interview that the Democratic National Committee shared on X Wednesday afternoon in a post that almost immediately drew ridicule.

"We have lawsuits in 81 states right now," Lara Trump declares. "We're going to have lawyers in all the major polling locations."

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Replied the group Republicans Against Trump, "Who wants to tell her?"

As responses on social media show, the question spurred lots of volunteers.

"How does anyone listen to this woman?" asked X user @ArtCandee.

USA Today sports editor Mike Freeman wondered if perhaps Lara Trump was a "time traveler" and "there are 81 states in the future."

"Are all 81 states in the room with you right now?" needled The Volatile Mermaid.

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Comedy writer Paul Lander quipped: "RNC co-Chair Lara Trump: We have lawsuits in 81 states right now. Including the state of denial…"

"Best hire ever!!!!" mocked the Decoding Fox News account.

"Trump is never going to get enough electoral votes this election," @TeaTime75 noted.

"Lara, the Dumbest Trump, just announced the RNC is bringing election interference lawsuits in '81 states.' She added, 'Including West Missitucky, Upper Narnia, New Polyvinyl, South Oxyclean and my home state of Moronia,'" quipped Paul Rudnick.

Ex-Chicago Tribune editor Mark Jacob sarcastically sounded the alarm, saying Mrs. Trump is "campaigning in 31 states that the Democrats don't even know about."

Paulette Feeney noted that the 81 states might explain why "the RNC is broke!"

The Federalism Index Project account recalled when Barack Obama accidentally said he traveled to 57 states when he meant 47 states in 2008. "Lara Trump: hold my beer. We have lawsuits in 81 states."

Others used the opportunity to take the comment to the far-right conspiracy theory level.

"My people are on the ground in 81 states and you won't believe what they're finding," the account joked.

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