Former McDonald's chef explains the correct way to get fresh food and debunks 'viral' method

There’s not a lot that can hit the spot like a really good McDonald’s burger, especially if it’s been freshly cooked and assembled.

Over the years, and especially with the advent of self-service ordering stations, McDonald’s fans have claimed that there are certain tricks for ensuring that your food is cooked fresh. However, a former corporate chef for the fast-food chain has taken to social media to debunk the most popular method and to reveal the correct way to get fresh food.

Former McDonald’s chef debunks popular method for getting fresh food at McDonald’s

Mike Haracz is a former McDonald’s corporate chef – meaning he would have been responsible for creating new menu items – and now shares his insider knowledge via his TikTok account which boasts more than 300,000 followers.

In one of his recent videos, Mike explains how a popular hack that supposedly means your McDonald’s meal will be freshly cooked doesn’t actually work.

However, he does note, “This will be specific to the US menu as I have insight to the US menu.”

“I’ve gotten a variety of comments from random people who say, ‘I order my burger with extra pickles so they have to make it fresh,’ or all these other tips [like], ‘No ketchup so they make it fresh,’” he says at the start of the video.

“That is not going to do it,” he explains. “The burgers and sandwiches are ‘assembled to order’ at a McDonald’s.”

“So that food is in the UHC, universal holding cabinet, and it is assembled when you order it,” he continues. “So just changing up your toppings on the burger or sandwich is not going to do it.”

How to correctly get fresh food at McDonald’s

Thankfully, Haracz does share two methods that will lead to you getting fresh food the next time you visit a McDonald’s restaurant.

“Just ask nice and tell them you are willing to wait,” Mike says for his first tip, highlighting the importance of good manners. “‘Can I get fresh fries [or] can I get a fresh burger.’”

Secondly, “If you feel like you don’t want to ask, you’re going to need your burger patty unseasoned,” Mike recommends. “All of the burgers in McDonald’s are seasoned with salt and pepper and are put in the UHC.”

“So if you ask for it unseasoned, then they are going to have to make it fresh,” he explains. “Same with the French fries. After they’re cooked, they’re salted, so you’re going to have to ask for them unseasoned.”

Before ending the video, Mike reiterates his first point, “Just ask nice and say you’re willing to wait.”

This is because it “will be the least annoying as the restaurant crew probably know what you’re doing.”