Trump-loving Charlie Kirk mocked online for new conspiracy theory about Arizona indictment

Former President Donald Trump with Charlie Kirk in July 2023

Charlie Kirk, the founder of the right-wing group Turning Point USA, was ridiculed on social media Wednesday after he suggested that the Arizona indictment charging Donald Trump's allies with crimes was spawned just because of a poll showing Trump ahead in the Grand Canyon state.

Earlier in the evening, Raw Story reported on those charged in Arizona, including one name that was "conspicuously absent" from the state's indictment over alleged 2020 election subversion efforts.

Kirk saw something insidious with the charging document.

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"Poll shows Trump up 5 in Arizona. A few hours later... Massive indictment against Trump world including the leader of the largest GOTV ballot chasing operation in the country," he said Wednesday. "They need to cheat to even make this election close. Don’t give in. Keep pushing. Onward."

But the rest of the internet wasn't buying that argument.

In response to Kirk, someone by the name of @KevinlyFather left this comment in the replies.

"Yes. They put the indictment together in 5 hours," he wrote. "They pulled together a grand jury, presented the evidence, indicted, and wrote it all up. In 5 hours. Yep. That's how it happened."

National security attorney Bradley Moss had a similar take.

"Yes, they pulled together the entire investigation and got a grand jury convened to indict all within the last 12 hours, Charlie," he said.

@KARMASABLEEP also chimed in:

"According to Charlie Kirk the indictments happened today because of a poll that has Trump + 5. I think Kirk is detached from reality, what do you think?"

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