MSNBC Host Rants About DeSantis’ Florida Being “Downright Dangerous” For Women

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

We can add to the list of names of two more anti-Trump, anti-DeSantis liberals who badmouth Florida while enjoying the fruit of its Republican leadership.

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz exposed hypocritical MSNBC hosts Joe Scarborough and Mike Brzezinski on Wednesday after Brzezinski delivered a pro-abortion screed that denounced Florida’s anti-abortion stance.

The genesis was a U.S. Supreme Court case involving Idaho.

After the fall of the pro-abortion 1973 Roe v. Wade decision in 2022, Idaho passed the Defense of Life Act, which bans abortions unless necessary to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest.

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The Biden administration challenged the law, citing a federal law that says hospital emergency rooms that participate in Medicare must provide “necessary stabilizing treatment,” according to the

A federal judge agreed with the Biden administration, and after subsequent appeals, the case landed before the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

On the “Morning Joe” broadcast, Brzezinski bizarrely tied the Idaho case to Florida’s effort to restrict abortion.

After the end of Roe, Republicans in the Legislature and Gov. Ron DeSantis enacted a bill that banned abortion after 15 weeks. They passed a more stringent measure that reduces that to six weeks, effective May 1.

Brzezinski ranted about DeSantis and former President Donald Trump, who appointed three conservative Supreme Court justices that overturned Roe.

Brzezinski predicted that women in Florida who need “health care” would “find themselves in a bind.”

She oddly claimed that beyond abortion, women in Florida would not be able to get treatment for uterine fibroids, for example.

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“This is on Trump, and in Florida, you know, between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, you’ve got a team there that really made a landscape for women that is downright dangerous,” said Brzezinski.

“Republican women, and the men who love them, are gonna find themselves having to leave the state just to get basic health care — thanks to Donald Trump,” she added.

Setting aside the outright lie that women in Florida would not receive “basic” health care, Markowicz exposed Brzezinksi as — you guessed it — a Florida resident.

The Post columnist posted a selfie taken by Scarborough, a former GOP congressman from the Panhandle, of himself and Brzezinksi lounging at their home in Florida.

The conservative website reported that the couple live in a $6.5 million home in Jupiter, a town along South Florida’s Atlantic coast.

According to an X post by columnist Brad Slager, a 2016 media report about the couple’s home called it an “extravagant mansion.”

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As Twitchy added, “Not only do the Morning Joe hosts live in Florida, but they built a home studio there, so they could broadcast their MSNBC gaslighting program from behind enemy lines and not have to trek up to the socialist paradise of New York or Connecticut to send out their daily signal.”

“That's courage, folks,” Twitchy added. “That's Medal of Honor-level courage.”

But, as noted above, Brzezinski and Scarborough are not the only leftist hypocrites on display.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns in blue states, leftist Democrats like U.S. Reps Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Eric Swalwell, former Baltimore Mayor Marilyn Mosby, the family of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer all were seen vacationing or living in Florida — even as they denounced DeSantis for how he handled the pandemic.

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