Meghan Markle ‘lost the woke brigade’ with controversial Netflix move: ‘That was the tipping point’

Meghan Markle “lost the woke brigade” by “mocking” the late Queen Elizabeth II in her Netflix docuseries, a royal commentator has claimed.

In the second episode of the series titled Harry & Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex recalled her first meeting with her husband’s grandmother shortly after they began dating in 2016.

Meghan described the greeting she offered the Queen by reenacting a deep curtsy in a move many have criticised.

“We (Americans) would like her (Meghan) to fail”, Daily Mail columnist Maureen Callahan said on GBN America.

Meghan Markle and Maureen Callahan

“I will tell you the tipping point for Meghan when she lost many of the woke brigade in America.

“It was the moment she mocked her first meeting with the Queen, miming her own extremely deep, disrespectful curtsy to the Queen with a smirk on her face as her emasculated husband sat right next to her with a very pained expression on his face and he said nothing.

Nana Akua and Maureen Callahan

Meghan Markle

“She compared the British Royal Family to medieval times, which are themed restaurants in America where people dress up as medieval knights and joust while they eat a lot of food.

“At that point, I can say safely she lost America and we are all too happy to watch her flail about from one failed project to the next.

“It’s captivating, addictive viewing. But all for the wrong reasons.”

Meghan claimed “Americans will understand this” as she made the gesture on the series which aired in 2022.

The Royal Family’s website notes there were “no obligatory codes of behaviour when meeting the Queen”, but many people wished to “observe the traditional form. For women, traditional form is ‘a small curtsy’.”

The Netflix series is one of several productions put out by the Sussexes since their departure from frontline royal duties that have irked royal fans.

Harry’s memoir, Spare, was released last year to much fanfare but also scathing criticism as it hit out at royal figures like Prince William and Princess Kate.

The headline-grabbing book accused his brother of pushing him into a dog bowl in a row over the Duchess of Sussex.

He also claimed William branded Meghan “rude” and “abrasive” while also suggesting his father was “jealous” of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The ghost-written autobiography has been nominated twice at the British Book Awards.