'Very low energy': Trump's rambling courthouse rant made him 'sound 150 years old'

Donald Trump left the Manhattan courthouse on Thursday slowly walking toward the press cameras and thanked them for being there. He then went off on a rambling rant that leap-frogged from one issue to the other.

"The U.S. Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity, and the immunity having to do with presidential immunity. And I think it was made clear—I hope it was made clear—that a president has to have immunity or you don't have a president..."

According to Trump, the pro-Palestine protesters are worse than the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. It was a "little peanut" compared to campuses today, he said.

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But it wasn't just Trump's rambling that captured those on X Thursday afternoon. They couldn't help but notice how tired Trump looked.

"Trump is giving his daily rant to the cameras outside the NYC courtroom, and he sounds tired and hoarse. Very low energy. Sad!" said Sarah Rumpf.

"After massive run-on sentence complaining about Biden, he said that Charlottesville wasn't a big deal and people overreacted, but it was just 'a little peanut' and there was more hate at the college campus protests," she continued.

Others picked up on Trump's focus on immunity.

"Despite America thriving for 247 years without our presidents demanding or even claiming absolute immunity, Trump insists the nation's survival hinges on him enjoying that power," said Republicans Voters Against Trump in response to his post-court statement.

Adam Parkhomenko couldn't help but name him "low energy Trump" in response to a video of a remark a CNN commentator made about Trump's lack of energy post-court.

"He sounds 150 years old," agreed former prosecutor Ron Filipkowski.

Even pro-Trump, former White House lawyer Jim Schultz confessed, "he looked a little tired. It was a long day for him. I don't think it was a good idea to kinda go out and do that."

Observers noted that typically, Schultz can come up with an excuse for Trump."Not today," said one person.

"I enjoy these talks after him sitting in court all day. He's so out of it by then, he sounds godawful,"said Bill DeMayo.

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