News digest: Science communicator on what to look for regarding conspiracies

Good evening. Here is the Monday, April 22 edition of Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in less than five minutes.

How to enjoy the capital on a budget

St. Martin Cathedral in Bratislava. ©TASR - Dano Veselský

Going to visit Bratislava soon? Here are some tips on how to enjoy the city on a budget.

Generally, you want to obtain a discount card, called the Bratislava CARD, which allows you to freely travel by public transport across the whole region, as well as discounts at participating venues.

Also, state museums and galleries are free to enter if you happen to be in the capital on the first Wednesday of each month.

You'll find more tips on discounts, free Wi-Fi zones, how to cool off on hot summer days, hostels close to the centre, and food establishments by clicking here.


  • Every week, The Slovak Spectator publishes at least two stories with a selection of events in the capital. Be sure to check them out in this section.
  • Bratislava is home to the largest number of museums, theatres and art galleries of any city in Slovakia, but which places are truly worth a visit if you are new to the capital? Here’s a selection of what you should start with.
  • In this overview, you will find information about sports clubs and activities in connection with local communities.
  • And here are several places, groups, activities and services that will make you feel at ease and help you get to know the city without any difficulty. This is thanks to other foreigners and Slovaks who speak English.


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What school trips indicate about conspiracies

Illustrative stock photo ©Pixabay

We know gravity is stronger at the poles, because they are closer to the earth’s centre. It can be measured. If the earth was flat, many things would be completely different.

"When you look at what flat earthers have to say, their answers often contradict each other, raising more questions demanding more answers. It becomes a tangled mess. That's a sign that there's probably something wrong with it," says physicist and science communicator Juraj Tekel in an interview with the Slovak Spectator. He explains why communicating facts is not enough, why people are attracted to hoaxes and conspiracies, and the communication of science through videos.


What's fresh in European music?

Open house at Nová Cvernovka ©Courtesy of Nová Cverovka

This Thursday, the 6th edition of the SHARPE music festival and conference is starting, bringing both domestic and international talent to the Nová Cvernovka venue in Bratislava.

The goal is to promote 'sharp and fresh' new music from the whole continent, all the while offering space for workshops, networking and more in addition to concerts. The event lasts until Saturday. For more information and tickets, click here.


  • Slovakia's general government deficit grew significantly in 2023 and slightly exceeded €6 billion at the end of the year. In terms of GDP, it rose to 4.89 percent, reports the Statistics Office.
  • Slovak students won a total of four medals at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO), which took place on April 11-17 in Georgia. Of the 37 participating countries, the Slovak girls placed 5th, with each girl of the four-member team winning one medal. (TASR)
  • On Monday, Slovak singer Dušan Grúň died at the age of 81. He started singing in 1963, with his most successful period coming five years later. He maintained his popularity until recently thanks to frequent appearances on television shows. (TASR)
  • At the age of 66, businessman and political marketer Fedor Flašík died on Monday due to lymph node cancer, which he had fought since 2010. He was mainly known for the election campaigns of former prime minister Vladimír Mečiar's HZDS party and the Smer party, which he also co-founded. (TASR)
  • An amendment allowing the Transport Ministry to intervene in all roads in villages and cities was advanced to the second reading by MPs. Currently, the ministry can solely perform supervision over highways.

WEATHER FOR TUESDAY: Cloudy to overcast skies, showers and rain later in the day and especially in the western part. Daily temperatures between 8 °C to 18 °C. Level 1 rain warning applies for the western part, level 1 ground frost during the night in the central and eastern part of the country. (SHMÚ)


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