Jean-Michel Jarre is world’s first passenger of Slovak flying car AirCar

Godfather of electronic music and innovator, Jean-Michel Jarre, became the world’s first passenger to take off in the AirCar, a flying car developed by Štefan Klein, in early April.

“The technology we once dreamed of from the future is becoming a reality,” Jean-Michel Jarre wrote on social media, adding that it was like being in a Jules Verne book, but for real! “One second you are speaking to the driver, and the next, you are up there in the air – an amazing experience!”

Jean-Michel Jarre completed two flights in the AirCar at Piešťany international airport, western Slovakia.

Štefan Klein, inventor, and pilot, expressed his pride as Jean-Michel became the inaugural passenger on the groundbreaking aircraft.

Visionary designer believed in his flying car from the very beginning

“From dreams to reality, we have taken flight together with Jean-Michel, opening a new era of transportation with a touch of magic,” said Klein before completing another successful intercity flight from Piešťany to Nitra, some 45 km apart.

Successful flights

AirCar, which received the Certificate of Airworthiness in January 2022, has already logged 130 flight hours and over 520 takeoffs. This is the second Štefan Klein flying car project. Earlier in April, Klein’s company Klein Vision sold the licence to produce the car to Chinese investor Hebei Jianxin Flying Car Technology.

Klein started to develop the AirCar after selling his share in AeroMobil, where he had developed his first flying car model. AeroMobil went bust last year, after 12 years of existence, after investors refused to put any more money into the project.

Part of festival

AirCar will be part of the opening concert of the Starmus festival on May 12. It will also be showcased at Starmus Camp, which, together with the Stephen Hawking Medal Ceremony and nine Nobelists giving lectures, will take place in Bratislava until May 17.

“This invention emerged in Bratislava, Slovakia, in the heart of Europe. The place where countless revolutions in arts, culture, and technology have taken place, paving the way for modern innovation. This is the sentiment behind my next concert ‘Bridge From The Future’ with special guest Brian May in Bratislava,” said Jean-Michel Jarre.

Technology is neutral – we shouldn't be afraid of it, says Jean-Michel Jarre

Film director Todd Douglas Miller, the Emmy Award-winning filmmaker of Apollo 11, captured the historic moment as he filmed the AirCar soaring at 2500 feet.

“It looks impossible. It looks like it’s doing something it should not be doing!” Miller remarked, as cited in the press release.