'Trump admits to another crime': Social media mocks ex-president's latest interview answer

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump on Thursday was ridiculed on social media after saying in a Newsmax interview that he never incarcerated Hillary Clinton while he was the president simply because he felt it would be "horrible" to do it.

Trump, who had a busy day being involved in a criminal hush money cover-up trial as well as a Supreme Court criminal immunity hearing on the same day, later did a phone interview on the right-wing network, Newsmax. In part of the interview, Trump was cut off by the host before he could violate the gag order in the hush money criminal case.

Trump also claimed he didn’t want to put his 2016 opponent, Clinton, in jail because he thought it would be a terrible thing despite there being "opportunities" to throw her in lock-up. He adds, "These people have to be careful with what they’re doing because it comes back to bite."

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Dem strategist Adam Parkhomenko replied with some questions:

"What exactly did Trump do in the process of not putting Hillary Clinton in jail? What conversations and meetings did he have that led him to ultimately make the decision he says he made as he mulled over the crime he would have committed."

In a separate post, he added, "Trump admits to another crime."

@ConservBlue2020, who identifies as a former Republican, said Thursday, "This dude literally campaigned 'on lock her up'. Ya, okay."

Popular account @UROCKlive1 had this to say:

"He SO wanted to put Hillary in jail and was miserably disappointed to learn that he couldn't actually do that because she hadn't committed any crimes. He didn't think that should matter, and that as president he should have every right to lock her up, but DOJ disagreed."

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