North East Cambridgeshire MP Steve Barclay launches his Read to Succeed campaign to support children

An MP’s campaign to provide youngsters with books kicks off today.

Steve Barclay’s annual Read to Succeed campaign launched yesterday, aiming to hit the milestone of distributing 20,000 books.

The annual literacy campaign raises cash to buy every Year 4 child in the constituency a new book to take home before the school summer holidays.

Steve Barclay with books

Now in its ninth year, the campaign has given over 17,500 books to children in a bid to inspire a love of reading.

Steve said: “Reading is so important, not just as an essential life skill but as a way to entertain, inform and escape.

“Back in 2016 when teachers told me how difficult it was to encourage children to read throughout the summer holidays, I knew there must be something we could do.

Steve and Sarah with books for the kids

“This year we hope to reach the 20,000 book mark.”

The books are given to Year 4 pupils, who are at the age at which children often begin to read more independently.

Last year, the campaign also gave a £200 voucher to every primary school to buy books for their school library.

Maria Higgins, headteacher at Townley Primary School in Christchurch, said: “Ensuring all our children have a love of reading is an important part of our curriculum.

“Our children love to receive a book of their own, for some it might be the only book they own.

“After the summer holiday, many of them enjoy returning to school to tell us about the book, having read it over the summer holiday.

“This year we were also able to benefit from the additional books for the school library which have been enjoyed by all of the classes as we have limited access to the town libraries being so far away.”

Steve added: “Every year I’m immensely grateful to the local businesses, charities, organisations, and individuals who donate and make such a difference to these children’s lives.

“I hope they will be able to do so again this year.

Read to Succeed also encourages youngsters to get involved in the Summer Reading Challenge in libraries and this year’s theme focuses on creativity and is entitled Marvellous Makers.

To donate to Read to Succeed contact