Neuroscientist suggests avoiding three drinks that can make your ‘skin look older’

A neuroscientist has revealed the secret to younger-looking skin – avoiding three drinks commonly consumed.

Research found that adopting eight healthy habits can add up to fifteen years to your life expectancy. If you’re concerned about the aging of your skin, refrain from specific potable liquids.

3 drinks that make your skin older, according to neuroscientist

Researcher and neuroscientist Dr. Robert Love explains in one of his TikTok videos that the three most commonly consumed drinks affect your skin.


There is a lot of debate about the benefits and drawbacks of alcohol, but according to Dr. Robert, it is proven to impact your skin negatively.

Long-term consumption of alcohol is associated with elevated stress, which results in the aging of the skin. Its properties are said to dehydrate the skin, thus making it “look older.”

The researchers claim alcohol also ages your brain and body by impairing the gut-brain connection. It impacts your brain and its functioning negatively, thus taking a toll on your skin.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the reputation sodas and other sugary drinks hold. This is another major contributor to aging skin.

The excess sugar and lack of fibers in sodas spike the blood sugar level in your body, causing inflammation in your skin. According to Dr. Robert Love, diet sodas are “worse” for the skin.


While coffee is said to be beneficial for the brain and gut, it doesn’t serve your skin so well. Caffeine is known for its dehydrating properties and similar to alcohol, it makes your skin look older.

The neuroscientist doesn’t recommend giving up on coffee entirely, but he suggests keeping yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This allows you to enjoy all the benefits of coffee while making sure your skin stays healthy.

Dr. Robert Love is a neuroscientist, researcher, and educator with over 2.1 million followers on TikTok. His work has been featured on television networks and magazines, while he’s leading a research team investigating a new FDA drug to help reverse Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

He “specializes in helping people prevent Alzheimer’s disease with science” and he’s the ”most watched neuroscientist on the planet,” according to his LinkedIn bio.