UK: Baloch National Movement launches campaign against human rights abuses by Pakistan

Cambridge [UK], April 26 (ANI): In an effort to spotlight the struggle of the Baloch people and the human rights violations inflicted by the Pakistani state, the Baloch National Movement (BNM) has extended its advocacy to the historic city of Cambridge, UK.

Led by the Cambridgeshire unit of the Baloch National Movement UK Chapter, the campaign seeks to raise awareness within the Cambridge community regarding the adversities faced by the Baloch population in Pakistan.

BNM activists are actively engaging with local residents, students, and authorities to garner support for their cause and to prompt the international community to take heed of the injustices endured by the Baloch people.

Following successful campaigns in prominent cities like London, Leeds, Newcastle, and Manchester, the expansion to Cambridge marks a pivotal stride in amplifying the voices of the Baloch people on a global scale.

In statements regarding the campaign, representatives of the Baloch National Movement underscored the pressing need for action to address the systemic human rights abuses perpetrated by the Pakistani state against the Baloch nation.

They emphasized the significance of international solidarity and support in championing the rights and liberties of the Baloch people.

The campaign in Cambridge serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of the Baloch National Movement to shed light on the injustices faced by the Baloch population and to advocate for meaningful change on both national and international platforms. (ANI)