ASUU Sokoto demands council reconfirmation, payment of allowances

Sokoto State Governor, Ahmed Aliyu. [Twitter:@HEAhmedAliyu] ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

The Sokoto State University has been operating without a Governing Council following its dissolution by the state government.

The Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universities (ASUU), Sokoto State University (SSU) chapter, has urged the Sokoto State Government to reconstitute the state varsity governing council.

The union also called on the government to pay outstanding allowances of the institution’s workers. This is contained in a statement signed by the branch Chairman and Secretary, Sa’idu Isah and Abubakar Aliyu respectively, and made available to newsmen on Friday in Sokoto.

The union stressed the need for the state government to reconstitute the governing council because the institution had been operating without a council for the last nine months.

"Sokoto State University has been operating without a Governing Council following its dissolution by the state government, an action that violates the Universities Act (Miscellaneous Act 2003) and Sokoto State University Law 2009.

"Governing council plays a pivotal role in decision-making including staff recruitment, approval of staff promotion, financial matters, students’ admission and convocation among others,” the union stated.

The ASUU-SSU also called on the state government to settle the Earned Academic Allowance (EAA) owed their members which accumulated in the last five academic sessions.

"We urge the state government to hasten the clearance of outstanding union and cooperative deductions as well as check-off dues which are still domiciled in the state ministry of finance.

"With the enactment of salary increment by the Presidential Committee on Salaries, which approved salary increment for tertiary institutions’ staff, Professors are to get 35% rise, while other staff are to enjoy 25% increment effective January 2023.

"We urged Sokoto state government to implement the pay rise alongside implementation of the agreed ₦35,000 wage award which was implemented by the federal government following the removal of fuel subsidy,” the union pleaded.

The union further called on the state government to complete the university staff quarters project abandoned for about 11 years, even though students still reside in the hostels, the quarters remained unoccupied and inhabited by reptiles.

They stressed that completing the project would surely enhance campus security and alleviate transportation and accommodation challenges being faced by ASUU members.

"We earnestly hope that the Sokoto state government will address these demands to ensure university’s efficient operation and well-being of our members,” the union said.