Moldova is Russia's next target if Ukraine falls — Foreign Minister Popsoi

Moldovan flag

Moldova's three million residents have faced unprecedented instability and anxiety since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine two years ago, Popșoi said.

"It’s not an issue of whether Russia wants to invade, it’s only an issue of if they can," said the minister.

"God forbid, if the Russians would feel emboldened, clearly Moldova would be next. And after that, it’s anybody’s guess.”

Russia is currently waging a hybrid war against Moldova, whereby the Kremlin is using all available means of leverage and interference to impose its will — short of bombing the country. Moscow has tried to orchestrate a coup, trained fake anti-government protesters, flooded the country with disinformation, and funneled illicit cash to pro-Russian opposition parties.

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"Putin’s ambitions are imperial; he doesn’t deny them," Popsoi adds.

"He wants to rebuild the Soviet Union."

The Moldovan official concluded by saying that if Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine, "then all democracies are in trouble."

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Section: Nation

Author: Владислава Топоркова