Biden agrees to participate in debates with Trump

Photo: President of the United States Joe Biden (Getty Images)

President of the United States Joe Biden intends to participate in debates with former President Donald Trump, according to Reuters.

"I am, somewhere. I don't know when. I'm happy to debate him," stated Biden.

Trump's reaction

Donald Trump, in his TruthSocial social network, suggested holding debates in a New York court where his case is being heard.

He also added that he does not believe Biden is ready to participate in debates.


According to Reuters, Biden has agreed to participate in debates with Trump for the first time. Earlier, the President of the United States did not agree and noted that he would observe the behavior of his competitor.

It was Trump who proposed to hold debates. Last month, he challenged Biden, stating that he was ready to debate "anytime, anywhere, anyplace".

Presidential election in the United States

Back in March, President of the United States Joe Biden was nominated as the main candidate for the presidential election by the Democrats, while Donald Trump was nominated by the Republicans.

The election is scheduled for November 5 of this year. According to the latest polls conducted in the United States, there is no clear favorite yet.

During the presidential election, the election to the US Senate and the House of Representatives will take place.

The inauguration of the President of the United States is scheduled for January 20, 2025.