How the color of your car dictates whether you’re a ‘hot mess express’

A rising trend on social media suggests the color of your car dictates whether you’re considered a “hot mess express” or a person with their life together.

Though the trend seemingly began in the bowels of TikTok, it was thrust into the light by Carlie Mary Butler, a member of the internet’s ShayTards family.

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What is a hot mess express trend?

Taking to Instagram to address her 500k followers, Carlie Mary Butler, 36, responded to the growing trend on social media. Currently, the trend only seems applicable to SUVs, though by the premise alone, it could apply to just about any black and white vehicles.

“So I’ve heard this mom-trend going around that’s basically like, white SUV mom is put together; she’s on top of it. But a black SUV mom is a hot mess express,” the mum of two said. “This is a shout-out to all the black SUV moms: that’s us, that’s me. We’re in this together. If we’re going to be labeled the hot mess express – let’s own it.”

Carlie continued to outline a few of the things that make white SUV moms the worst, though she did admit to not wanting to “dis” them.

She explained: “I bet the white SUV moms wear JCrew; they’ve already done their taxes, and they for sure make their own sourdough. White SUV moms have a calendar, and it’s color-coordinated.

Credit: Unsplash/Maksym Tymchyk

“This is a ‘hey, we’re taking notes from you; you have it together. I wanna be more like you’.”

In typical black SUV mom fashion, Carlie concluded the video with a dance around the car alongside her kids.

Her video sparked a mass SUV response

Naturally, Carlie’s video encouraged lots of other people dubbed Hot Mess Express to come out of the woodwork as they debated the term with white SUV moms.

One person wrote: “I’m a grey SUV mom! We keep people guessing as to who we are!”

“I drive a white SUV, but CLEARLY should trade it in for a black one,” another said, as a third added, “Black SUV mom, always late, filed an extension, they know my voice at the Starbucks speaker and they start bagging my usual at the drive-thru liquor barn when they see me turning in.”