‘There’s no progress’: Ian Wright reckons 24-year-old Liverpool player isn’t training hard enough

Liverpool have been way off it as of late.

The Reds have had a nightmare month. They’re out of the FA Cup, they’re out of the Europa League, and, for all intents and purposes, they’re out of the title race.

As you can imagine, the inquest has begun into where it’s all gone wrong for Liverpool, and, unsurprisingly, the finger has largely been pointed at Darwin Nunez.

Indeed, the Uruguayan has been wasteful almost beyond belief as of late, and speaking on the Wrighty’s House Podcast, Ian Wright has suggested that Nunez isn’t working hard enough in training.

Photo by Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images

Darwin Nunez isn’t doing enough work in training

Wright gave his verdict on the striker.

“There was a long debate between Sturridge, Rooney and Carragher about Nunez and his future. Sturridge said that when he was a player he was out there for hours and hours trying to build that form and he’d get a backup keeper out and some defenders out to create match conditions to get his form. They were saying whether Nunez has done enough to build that momentum and form,” The host said.

“He can’t have, he can’t have. His finishing is poor. The chances he was missing at the start of his Liverpool career are the exact same chances he’s missing now, and that says to me there’s no progress in him and he doesn’t seem to be working, like Flo said, he doesn’t seem to be working on himself,” Wright said.

Darwin Nunez hasn’t improved

When Darwin Nunez first arrived at Liverpool many believed he was a rough diamond.

He had so many exciting raw attributes and we all knew that if he could just refine his game, he’d be a star.

However, here we are, two years down the line and Nunez is the exact same player he was when he arrived in 2022.

He’s still missing chances, his touch is still sub-standard, and he never seems to be composed.

As Wright says, this may be down to the fact he’s not doing everything he can in training and out of hours, and, in all honesty, if that doesn’t change he won’t make it at the very top level.

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