Former President Hamid Karzai says education of girls "vital issue" for Afghanistan

Kabul [Afghanistan], April 27 (ANI): Former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai has said that the education of girls is a "vital issue" for Afghanistan, as the basic rights of the females in the country are curtailed under the Taliban regime, according to Khaama Press.

During a discussion with Hassan Kazemi Qomi, Iran's ambassador and special representative, Karzai stressed the value of girls' education.

Nevertheless, harsh limitations still exist in Afghanistan, especially with regard to women's rights, in spite of these talks about education and regional stability. Beyond the sixth grade, women face significant barriers to education that limit their access to higher education and chances for personal development.

Furthermore, restrictive rules limit women's access to the workforce, robbing them of financial independence and their capacity to fully participate in society, according to Khaama Press.

These limitations impede Afghanistan's efforts to become a more inclusive and equitable society while also perpetuating gender inequity.

Furthermore, there are growing restrictions on Afghanistan's freedom of expression and access to free media, which hinders the spread of opposing viewpoints and important information. (ANI)