Priceless: Watch Look on Supporter's Face Change When He Realizes Biden Just Lied to Entire Room

RNCResearch / X video screen shot)

The shamelessness with which President Joe Biden has let lies drop from his mouth has been truly breathtaking.

There has seemed to be nothing that Biden would not lie about, from the circumstances surrounding the death of his son Beau, to his own academic record, to the death of his uncle (who, for the record, was not eaten by cannibals).

Practically nothing about Biden's personal or professional life has escaped his penchant for historical revisionism unscathed.

And now, in a perilously important election, Biden has decided to apply that same fabulist historical revisionism to his presidential record; only this time, even his supporters could not quite get on board with the audacity of his falsehoods.

In a short video shared to the social media platform X by RNC Research, the 81-year-old president is speaking at the North American Building Trades Union conference in Washington, D.C., during a campaign stop.

BIDEN: "I cut the national debt so far!"

No, Biden has not cut the $34 trillion national debt — he has ADDED to it.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) April 24, 2024

In the video, Biden shouted that "I cut the national debt so far!"

While the audience of clapping seals dutifully applauded Biden's ludicrous statement, there was one man -- Brandon Bishop, NABTU's secretary-treasurer -- seated almost directly behind him, whose face showed an entirely different mental journey.

First Bishop seemed to agree, but then he seemed confused. In the next second, the man looked shifty-eyed, as if wondering if anyone else present caught the lie, before ceasing his applause altogether.

Biden spoke less clearly as the applause died down, but said something along the lines of, "And still got all of this other things did." (That might explain some of the confusion on Bishop's face, as well.)

Clearly, Bishop had been paying attention, because nothing Biden said there was remotely true.

The Visual Capitalist reported on April 16 that the United States' debt payments have reached $1 trillion, at a rate of $2 billion per day, with the actual debt reaching the colossal amount of $34 trillion.

Indeed, Biden has actually raised the national debt significantly from 2020, taking it from $27.7 trillion to $34 trillion in barely four years.

Not only that, but, according to CNBC, the debt itself has increased by $1 trillion every 100 days under Biden and is set to reach $35 trillion soon.

To put that in perspective, because the amount of money tossed around by the federal government is nearly unimaginable to the average American: It would take about 32 years for a human to count to one billion without stopping. It would take roughly 31,000 years to count to one trillion.

The U.S. debt clock shows the numbers amassing like some sort of doomsday clock.

And since Biden took office, he has only exacerbated the problem, with the interest on U.S. debt now surpassing even Social Security and Medicaid, formerly the the largest federal expenditures.

Biden did nothing to cut the national debt, instead boasting as recently as Tuesday that he was authorizing spending $7 billion on solar panels. He's cut the national debt as much as he's prevented disastrous foreign wars from erupting under his watch.

But, for a man like Biden, whose first presidential campaign was cut short by mainstream reporting on his blatant plagiarism, lying about his presidential record was only part of a day's work.

The sad thing is, no matter how times Biden has been caught in a lie, there are still people who will believe him. Except, at least in that one instance, the confused man sitting behind him.