The Biden impeachment is over despite 'the best efforts of the House GOP’s worst people'


Based upon the fact that the Fox News daily drumbeat about President Joe Biden's impeachment being right around the corner has gone noticeably silent, House Republicans have seemingly admitted defeat.

That is the opinion of political columnist Paul Waldman who wrote for MSNBC that the search party for Biden's criminal acts came up empty-handed and the GOP leaders of the House committees are privately telling their colleagues they are giving up.

Reacting to report that House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) "... recently approached one of his Republican colleagues and made a blunt admission: He was ready to be ‘done with’ the impeachment inquiry into Biden," Waldman noted that talk of impeachment in conservative media has dried up as they look for new red meat to keep supporters of Donald Trump and far-right conspiracists engaged.

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"Things have not worked out the way Comer and his colleagues wished. The only ones humiliated were the bush-league Javerts of the GOP," Waldman wrote while pointing the finger at former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for loading the investigating committees, including the House Judciary Committee headed by controversial Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), with "the House GOP’s most ridiculous blowhards, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar."

After documenting Comer's endless "pratfalls" where his witnesses and purported "evidence" fell apart within days if not hours, Waldman explained "despite the best efforts of the House GOP’s worst people, the investigation did not find any corruption."

"There’s never been any credible evidence that Biden is corrupt at all," he wrote before adding, "The fruitless quest to find something criminal Biden did is particularly ironic given that Republicans are working so hard to return possibly the most corrupt president in history to the White House. Even now, they support him as he argues to the Supreme Court that presidents must be immune from prosecution for any crimes they might commit while in office."

"So if they want to find corruption, they know where they can look," he dryly advised.

You can read more here.

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