Secret Palace Summit Showdown: King Charles 'Open to Reconciliation' With Prince Harry But Will Never Let Duke Become Part-Time Royal

King Charles is only open to reuniting with Prince Harry as father and son.MEGA

Prince Harry is said to have no reason at all to avoid meeting with his father, King Charles III, and his brother, William, Prince of Wales, when he returns to Britain in May.

"If he decides not to come, it will take some explaining, because everyone will assume it's because he doesn't want the awkwardness of having to meet his brother or having to choose not to meet him," royal author Tom Quinn dished when asked if the California Duke will attend the Invictus Games celebration on May 8.

The Duke of Sussex is aid to be 'nervous' about returning to Britain due to excerpts in his book, 'Spare,' about the Taliban.MEGA

"Not coming would be worse than finding some sort of compromise where Harry sees William for 10 minutes or comes up with some reason why he doesn't have time to see his brother and his father and has to get back to the States quickly to be with his children," he added. "But no one is going to be fooled by these excuses."

This insight comes amid reports that suggest the prince is reportedly on edge about his upcoming spring trip to Britain due to a possible"serious security risk."

An anonymous source shared: "The prince is expected to return to the U.K. in May; however, Harry’s team wanted the exact date of the appearance to be kept confidential for safety reasons."

The source claimed that Harry has "anxiety" about the trip — which involves a 10th-anniversary celebration for the Invictus Games at St Paul's Cathedral — due to "regretful" sensitive information he shared in his memoir, Spare. The Duke of Sussex wrote that he killed some 25 Taliban fighters during his tour of duty in Afghanistan during the late 2000s and early 2010s. Numerous royal analysts observed that the fiery-haired prince wrote about the lives he took in a "boastful manner."

Prince Harry and his family lost their right to maintain taxpayer-funded security protection when in Britain.MEGA

Many reports during the first quarter of 2023, following the memoir's January release, shared how the militant organization Al-Qaeda ordered the death of the Duke after the book's Taliban extract made headlines.

The source added: "That's why his team was so adamant aboutkeeping his whereabouts on a need-to-know basis. Whenever he's appeared at events in the U.K. in the last few years, there have been last-minute announcements due to this very reason."

"The fact that St Paul’s has published the exact time and date of an event he is due to attend on their official website weeks in advance is seen as a serious security risk," the insider observed.

The Duke of Sussex is 'considering' trying to set an in-person meeting with the Prince of Wales and His Majesty The King.MEGA

One place the Montecito Duke wouldn't have to concern himself with protection measures is within the walls of Buckingham or Kensington Palaces meeting with his father and brother. Although one palace insider claims the hyped meeting "will quite possibly never happen — don't hold your breath," His Majesty is said to be fully "open to reconciliation" with Harry and Meghan, but only on a family relations basis.

Prince Harry is set to return to Britain on May 8, 2024. MEGA

Daily Express reported on Quinn's insights.