Discover Downham hosting talk about pillboxes in the Second World War

Are you interested in finding out more about the Second World War? Then this talk may be of interest to you.

Discover Downham is hosting a talk titled ‘Pillboxes: Defending the Second World War Home Front’ on Wednesday, May 15 at 7.30pm.

The illustrated talk is by archaeologist Chris Kolonko-Weet, who will be talking about archaeological investigation of Second World War pillboxes.

Discover Downham Heritage Centre is hosting a talk

Today, 80 years after they were built, people still know very little about pillboxes, despite them being one of the most recognisable remains of the anti-invasion defences of the war.

This talk will show what you can learn about these structures, as well as the soldiers of the regular and territorial army who would have used them ‘if the balloon went up’.

Admission for this event costs £4, and £3 for members.