203 Ekiti public schools benefit from $25m World Bank grant

203 Ekiti public schools benefit from $25m World Bank grant ©(c) provided by Pulse Nigeria

He said that the healthcare programme was designed by the Office of Special Education and Social Inclusion in collaboration with the State Ministry of Health.

The Commissioner for Information in Ekiti, Taiwo Olatunbosun, says 203 public schools in the state benefit from the 25 million dollars School Improvement Grant (SIG) released by the World Bank to uplift the standard of education in the state.

The commissioner said in Ado-Ekiti on Saturday that the fund is being used to construct new buildings, renovate old ones and erect perimeter fencing

According to him, the fund is also being used to purchase equipment for the benefit of all students in the schools, including People Living With Disabilities (PLWDs).

“There is the Innovation Development and Effectiveness in the Acquisition of Skills Project, which is also backed by the World Bank to enhance the capacity of the skills development system to produce relevant skills for the formal and informal sectors without leaving out PLWDs.

“In fact, there is no public school in the state that has not been substantially touched by the government’s developmental efforts without bias to the enrollment of PLWDs.

“Government also paid N546.9million WAEC/SSCE fees for 16,269 SS3 students in public schools for this year making all SS3 students in public schools beneficiaries, including people living with disabilities,” he said.

The commissioner reiterated the commitment of Governor Biodun Oyebanji-led administration to the welfare of Persons Living With Disabilities (PLWDs) in the state.

He urged interested individuals and corporate organisations not to fan embers of hatred and strife between the government and the special people.

He appealed to residents to support the efforts of the state government in its bid to make life more meaningful for all stakeholders in the State, particularly the PLWDs.

The commissioner recalled that in January, the state government launched a free healthcare programme that allows people with disabilities access to healthcare services at no cost.

He said that the healthcare programme was designed by the Office of Special Education and Social Inclusion in collaboration with the State Ministry of Health.

“The programme is designed to enable all people living with disabilities in the State to enjoy free healthcare services in all government-owned primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities across the State and was well advertised.

“People living with disabilities in the State were to register with the Ministry of Health with their National Identification Number (NIN) and one passport photograph each to benefit from the programme.”

Olatunbosun noted that, apart from the existence of the three Government Special Schools specifically established to cater for the education of PLWDs, education is free, compulsory and qualitative from primary to Senior Secondary Schools in the State.

He said that “while it is true that government takes particular interest in the special schools due to their peculiar features and functions in handling the interest of people living with disabilities, the present administration is not neglecting any school in the State.