Law professor reams SCOTUS for moving to 'protect Donald Trump' with immunity ruling

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University of Pennsylvania law professor Kate Shaw said the U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to create a presidential immunity doctrine just to protect former President Donald Trump.

Shaw spoke out on ABC's This Week on Sunday following arguments before the high court in Trump's election interference case.

ABC host George Stephanopoulos observed that the court "is ready to carve out some immunity for presidents."

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"So I'm a constitutional law professor," Shaw explained. "I have never taught my students about the doctrine of the criminal immunity of ex-presidents from prosecution, even for official acts."

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"And that's for the very simple reason that there is no such doctrine, right?" she continued.

"If the court chooses to create one in this case, it really does sound as though they will be creating it in order to protect Donald Trump rather than because anything in a text or structure or history of the Constitution supports that kind of doctrine."

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