Competitors from the Fosse Way Crossfit box in Newark, Nottinghamshire take on the ninth annual world Crossfit Open

Fosse Way Crossfit was again a hive of activity as a dozen athletes took on the ninth annual Crossfit Open quarter-finals over the weekend.

The Crossfit open is the largest participatory sporting event in the world where participants undertake a series of workouts that include metabolic conditioning exercises, weightlifting and gymnastics movements.

Exercises undertaken by the athletes included dumbbell snatches, burpees, rowing, deadlifts, skipping, thrusters and pull-ups.

Clare Lawrence took part in the open at the Fosse Way Crossfit box.

The workouts tested strength, stamina and gymnastic skill.

46 individuals signed up across the various categories for Fosse Way Crossfit with 12 making it through to the quarter-finals.

The athletes participating on the weekend at Fosse Way Crossfit ranged in age from their 20s to over 70-years-of-age.

Places where Crossfit is held are called boxes.

Sara Jackson competing. Image: Rob Currell.

The number of athletes qualifying was an improvement on last year with five people taking part in the quarter-finals from the Fosse Way box last year.

Seven of the athletes qualified and competed in the individual workouts.

Tara Smith achieved a world ranking of 2,419th.

Cross Fit. Image: Rob Currell.

Steve Young finished with a world ranking of 11,657.

Rob Dunning achieved 8365th.

Clare Lawrence came 3617th.

Sara Jackson finished with a world ranking of 5,956.

Simon Fenwick came 5,363rd .

Owner of the Fosse Way box, Myles Brownhill finished 6,384th .

In the age group quarter-finals, several participants competed in masters categories from 35 years of age to the 65+ age group.

Simon Fenwick qualified for the semi-finals of the masters 50-54 year age group as he came 58th in the world.

Lynne Cullingworth may also move onto the semi-final after placing 201st in the women’s masters 65+ age category pending a scores review.

Tara Smith finished 240th in the women’s masters 40-44 year age group.

Sara Jackson finished 730th in the same category.

Jessica Young also competed in the same group and achieved 2,062nd place.

Cross Fit. Image: Rob Currell.

Lorraine Ainscough came 1,041st in the women’s masters 45-49 year age group.

Helen Donaghie came 1,277th in the same category.

Myles Brownhill came 1,283rd in the men’s masters 35-39 year age group.

Steve Young achieved 1,451st in the men’s masters 40-44 year age group.

Nick Fenton achieved 2,346th in the same category.

Rob Dunning achieved 339th in the men’s masters 45-49 year age group.