GOP strategist accuses Trump of being too cash-strapped to fund campaign rallies

Donald Trump removes his hat to show that his hair is real during a political rally at Ladd-Peebles Stadium on August 21, 2015 in Mobile, Alabama (AFP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)

During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, Republican Party campaign strategist Susan Del Percio dismissed Donald Trump's complaints that his Manhattan hush money trial is to blame for his inability to campaign across the country.

Speaking with host Alex Witt, the two noted that Trump is only expected to be in court four days a week leaving him weekends and Wednesday free to roam the country and no court scheduled this coming Monday.

Del Percio was quick to point out that the former president eschewed hitting the road this weekend choosing instead to hole up for the entire weekend, purportedly to celebrate his wife Melania's birthday which was on Friday, since she has not been in Mantahhan attending his trial with him.

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According to the GOP strategist, there may be a secondary reason why a Trump rally was not scheduled on either Wednesday or Sunday. or tomorrow.

"Now, Donald Trump has always played the victim, he has always blamed others," she began. "And frankly, when he campaigns, he only does quick stop-ins into states."

"He could be campaigning more, he's going out to a couple of states mid-week," she continued before asking, "Why wasn't he campaigning this weekend? He could have done that. He could campaign on Monday, but the fact is they don't have enough campaign cash on hand to actually hold these rallies."

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